Sunday 31 March 2013


So it’s Easter Sunday, must be time for one of my – now - legendary rambles!! What better place to start than with Easter itself or to be more accurate, the Easter Bunny!! 
It has come to my attention that the Easter Bunny deserves way more respect than he gets. Easter is, as you may know, is celebrated in more places in the world than Christmas. Globally more of the population believe in Easter than Christmas. Now if we were to talk about Father Christmas, very soon we would get to ; Round the world in a day, what he wears, how he travels, Reindeer, their names and the colour of their noses, presents for everyone – especially the kids – and we even leave him and his transportation a snack. So the Easter Bunny travels further but still does everything in a day and visits all the kids, albeit only with eggs but no one knows how he does it or anything about his transportation. In fact we don’t even wonder whether he is a he at all!! I personally don’t think that is fair! In previous years it has been frowned upon when I have posted a picture of a black bunny and said it is the Easter Bunny. Well truth is we don’t know do we? One thing I do know though is that whomsoever delivers all the eggs and choccie to all the people round the world on Easter Sunday deserves as much respect, if not more, than Father Christmas.
Well yesterday evening and later it was GuMe and today it is FaCoPl, regular readers will know that this is to do with where horses are racing – as the 2.30 at Haydock would be written 
Ha 2.30. So today my 4 horses are all after 4pm. Four from Four in fact! So what’s the betting they will, all four, end up fourth? Probably four to one!!
I never seriously thought that the Avengers Assemble movie would have me asking of my facebook friends “What is a mewling quim?” but it did!! Amazingly enough it was what I thought as well!! For your own piece of mind, go ahead – Google it yourself! No really!!
In similar vein, Fukuoka is a region in Japan! Who would have known?

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